DZAI and Sarge AI merge



I am currently running a private Epoch server on Dayz.ST.

I am running version

I have DZAI running on version 2.1.0. and am trying to also run Sarge AI at the same time.

I know this is possible but for some reason, am getting lots of errors. Does anyone know the main concept of getting both to run together?

Examples of errors in rpt. (Definitely related to Sarge AI, as DZAI works flawlessly before Sarge is installed.)

22:54:40 Error Undefined variable in expression: _weapon
22:54:40 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\addons\SARGE\SAR_functions.sqf, line 785
22:54:40 Error in expression <eapon_name];
_unit_weapon_names set [1, _unit_pistol_name];

22:54:40 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ret
22:54:40 File z\addons\dayz_code\compile\BIS_fnc\fn_selectRandom.sqf, line 23
22:54:40 Error in expression <n = _weapons select _forEachIndex;

_heli = createVehicle [(SAR_heli_type call BIS_f>
22:54:40 Error position: <createVehicle [(SAR_heli_type call BIS_f>
22:54:40 Error Type Any, expected String
22:54:40 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\addons\SARGE\SAR_setup_AI_patrol_heli.sqf, line 123
22:54:40 Error in expression <eapon_name];
_unit_weapon_names set [1, _unit_pistol_name];
I would grab a fresh install of sarge as it seems that you have messed with the sarge files and broken something with the _weapon selection of the units it is trying to spawn. I personally have stopped using sarge tho to reduce mission file size and now use DZMS and WAI