DZAI + Anti-Air script integration


New Member
Hey all,

Firstly I just wanted to say to the author that DZAI is awesome, and you should ignore people who demand things of you. The rest of us who script will support you and the project in anyway that we can.

So my question, I am writing a very simple sensor script for some anti-aircraft weapons (Phalanx and AK-630 CIWS by jackass888) I use on my server.

I have it working perfectly with players, so that if you are on the side "WEST", and are not on a white list you get your rating set to a negative number (player addRating -4000) which flags you as an enemy to the side and then the anti-aircraft weapons automatically engage you.

Now through testing I realised that this wasn't the case for the DZAI, so I need to make my script detect the DZAI. Does anyone have any suggestions? Are there any public vars for DZAI, like there is for 'player', that I can hook into. Are DZAI on a specific side?

Any help would be much appreciated.
you can check if the variable "unithealth" is set (nil) to the unit, this variable should be unique to dzai units, i think

or you rename it to something like "DZAI_unithealth" in the "fn_createGroup.sqf" and "fn_damageHandlerAI2.sqf" so it is unique, if it is not