DZAI Error


5:08:21 Error in expression <nes _unit);
for "_i" from 0 to ((count (_loadout select 0)) - 1) do {
if (((_uni>
5:08:21 Error position: <_loadout select 0)) - 1) do {
if (((_uni>
5:08:21 Error Undefined variable in expression: _loadout
5:08:21 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\compile\group_manager.sqf, line 159

I'm not sure what's causing this, I didn't change anything to do with any of the items they spawn with other than the amount, I upped the amount of misc stuff they get to 5 that's about it.
If its v2.1.2 then your issue may be that you increased that number.

Changelog for 2.1.2 mentions max metal bar limit if they are trying to spawn more than that theres your error.
I'm on 2.1.3, I'll try resetting everything back to default and see if it does it again, it only did it with one group that it spawned so I think it's only a very limited impact error.