Editing Chernarus


Valued Member!
I just added a Chernarus server and I want to start editing, adding buildings, objects etc. When I edit it in the 2D/3D editor, it doesn't show all the extra stuff added in DayZ. I found this out after adding in vehicles in the editor, just to find some located amongst vehicle wrecks.

Is there a way to load Chernarus so I see all the extra stuff DayZ added so I don't duplicate work or put new stuff on top of existing stuff?
You can remove all junk by adding a line into mission init.sqf
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";                //Compile regular functions
progressLoadingScreen 1.0;
stream_locationCheck = {}; //Remove all junk and bases added by Rocket
Then you can rebuild bases in Balota, Stariy Sobor and medical installation in Cherno, if you wish )
You can remove all junk by adding a line into mission init.sqf
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";                //Compile regular functions
progressLoadingScreen 1.0;
stream_locationCheck = {}; //Remove all junk and bases added by Rocket
Then you can rebuild bases in Balota, Stariy Sobor and medical installation in Cherno, if you wish )

That's not really the solution I'm looking for, but as a last resort I can do that. I'd really like to be able to load Chernarus in the 3D editor with the stuff added to DayZ.
I don't understand how that allows me to edit Chernarus in the 3D editor with the DayZ additions....

Make a map as you wish in 3D Editor.
- Upload it into the Link ive givin.
Put in your Bliss_xxxx

COPY into SQL on the Database, In Building, and Instance Building.. i Thought you guys had half a clue of what the hell you're doing.
Make a map as you wish in 3D Editor.
- Upload it into the Link ive givin.
Put in your Bliss_xxxx

COPY into SQL on the Database, In Building, and Instance Building.. i Thought you guys had half a clue of what the hell you're doing.

Not every one here has been scripting/editing for years. A lot of people here are new and learning, myself being one of those people. All of this stuff is new to me, but I'd like to learn it. And there is only one way to do that. Practice.
Make a map as you wish in 3D Editor.
- Upload it into the Link ive givin.
Put in your Bliss_xxxx

COPY into SQL on the Database, In Building, and Instance Building.. i Thought you guys had half a clue of what the hell you're doing.

My provider (Days Priv) already has a web interface to import buildings into the database. When I am looking for is a way to open the 3D editor and see Chernarus with all the extras included in DayZ. I appreciate your reply, but it doesn't really address the question in the original post.

Try DayZ Control Center you can import Building into server with .sqf file
Is anyone reading the original post?
Hmmm, thats a good question. So you want to edit Chernarus with the 3D editor but you want it to include all the junk in the road from the DayZ mod? I feel like I did it some how before, but I have no idea how I did it. But I could also just think I did it :/

I'll mess around with it to see if I can figure it out.
Everyone is reading the first post. Those who know how to do what you want, know how complicated it is, and how far away you are from being able to do it, so they don't bother to reply... everyone else is just trying to help you in whatever work-around way they either have used themselves, read about, or think might work.

I can give you some GUIDANCE but I frankly don't know enough to just hand you the answer or the tools to do it... Chances are what you want to do is NOT going to happen... you should stick to adding buildings etc far away from anything Rocket put in... Even putting stuff near actual map objects will just create more work for you in the long run...

Slapping down buildings in the editor does not generally mean they will place properly in game on your server.

At the very least you will need to write a script/program that will populate the dayz stuff to a blank chernarus map so if that seems like too much then no need to read further.


here is enough of a trail you should be able to figure it out if its really something you want to do.

You have to pull the locations/building types out of the config town generator... then write a script that populates those types/coords to a blank chernarus mission file in your editor...

Then you can open that and edit away... there will likely be a lot of work involved with migrating the locations...

You will also likely need lots of addons to ensure those building types are recognized in the editor... @Caa1 at least I would think maybe @johneditorupdate...

Although your best bet really is to just NOT include the crappy stuff added by Rocket/DayZ... it's not very well organized and placed pretty poorly too...

That is one of the major benefits of working on a "new" map for dayz... you can just blow all that garbage out.

Further once you use anything from Caa1 or JohnEditor you run into problems with them not working properly inside DayZ anymore...

You can ONLY use building types that are already in DayZ Code...
You can remove all junk by adding a line into mission init.sqf
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";                //Compile regular functions
progressLoadingScreen 1.0;
stream_locationCheck = {}; //Remove all junk and bases added by Rocket
Then you can rebuild bases in Balota, Stariy Sobor and medical installation in Cherno, if you wish )

Hey, I gave this method a try but for some reason it seems that sometimes all the debris appears and sometimes it doesn't. Any clue why?
it took me a while to get all the info i needed on map editing...

I can be doing it entirely wrong but it works for me.

1. PBO unpacker, upack your dayz_mission.pbo (or whatever yours is named) http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Community_Tools

2. if it doesn't have it already, you are gonna have to edit the folder that the PBO unpacked to something the editor will recognize. ( name_of_mission.Chernarus.pbo or whatever map you are editing.)

3. Go into your ARMA 2 OA folder. rename @DayZ to something like @DayZ_play

4. Use DayZ Commander and download version this part is the most important part because the new version do not allow you to edit in single player (2D editor( while you have DayZ loaded.

5. Alt + E for 3d editor.

AMENDMENT: I noticed i didn't say where the map files are stored / wher eyou need to move them for them to show up in the editor. My Documents/ArmA2 Other Profiles/*profile you are using's name*/missions

6. Edit map, I use a combo of object unlockers including as stated above @Jons_EditorUpdate.
Jons http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=5934
OA Editor http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11668
TcB http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=5782
there are also online resources for class names. if you really need to know how to swap class names in editor, post here, don't really want to get into it.

7. Save map when done then go back and look over your work, for some reason when you save some objects shift. so save often and check your work.

8. now you have your save map in 3d file format. thing is, dayz is a 2d format. so what we do is use a 3d to 3d converter. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10204

NOTE: now you should have a file you can use in the 2d editor. (just a FYI in the 2d editor the 3d map sile will show up but it will be read only. this poses a problem in the next steps.

9. Go to main menu - single player - editor

10. Open up DayZ mission

11. On the right hand side there is a button that says merg. Click it and merge with your cherno edited mission.

NOTE this is also kinda important. you have to open dayz mission first and merg with your edited version. the other way around did bad bad things.

12. Save.

13. go back into your mission folder and pack the DayZ mission back into a PBO.

14. upload to server.

15. Start server

15. ???

16 profit.

easy right?