Epoch cleanup v2.0

Step 2 - Download the file (link below) and insert the file into your init folder must be the system folder !!
If you have to add this to the server_cleanup.sqf
#include "scotty_tm_cleanup.sqf";

then you get the a error missing \z:\addons\dayz_server\system\scotty_tm_cleanup.sqf so wrong path! i think?
No one will ever know what this does as he won't answer...


I thinks the there are special zed's that have brooms that sweep the towns..
Its taken from the server_functions of epoch with a few edits and tick times adjusted for certain parts, nothing overly special about it. like i said in the script post you add the call line to the bottom of server_functions.sqf and put the script in the init folder
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So what are the benefits of this? I would love to see some numbers. Looks pretty much useless to me. I have tried different tick times without any noticeable changes on performance.
while {true} do {
if (count units _x==0) then {
deleteGroup _x;
//diag_log ("CUSTOM: GROUP CLEANUP");
} forEach allGroups;
sleep 180; // run every 3min

I have been using this. Don't need anymore?
NVM got player cleanup working right. Just need more aggressive loot cleanup for vanilla cherno
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