Epoch Server [Hazardous Gaming] OFFFICAIL


New Member
This amazing 50 slot server has both exciting and fun squished into one server. By that meaning this server dosent have to have much players on because its action packed with having AI / AI Choppers , Self BB , Custom Buildings , Custom DeBug Monitor , Extra Vehicles and Loot and Much much more!

Server Name : Hazardous Gaming

Server Ip :
This amazing 50 slot server has both exciting and fun squished into one server. By that meaning this server dosent have to have much players on because its action packed with having AI / AI Choppers , Self BB , Custom Buildings , Custom DeBug Monitor , Extra Vehicles and Loot and Much much more!

Server Name : Hazardous Gaming

Server Ip :
Thanks for sharing...although 90% of servers already offer this, just an FYI. My advice is to come up with an idea that sets your server apart from the rest. As it stands, ideas are far from unique anymore and as I said, most servers all have the same features.