EPOCH|Spawn Vehicles|Antihack|AI|Crafting|Bases|and more


New Member
I am serious about games and game servers. If your into Epoch or Overwatch and looking for an amazing DayZ server then look no further. This is a great community. Likely what your looking for in a DayZ Server.


Epoch Full Name:

=GHOST DIVISION= Spawn Vehicles | EPOCH |Antihack |AI City & Missions |Crafting |Tanks & Gunships |Safezones |AutoRefuel |Debug Monitor |Custom Buildings |Self Bloodbags | %MOD% [%TIMEZONE%]|%MOD_VERSION%

Overwatch Full Name:

=GHOST DIVISION= Spawn Vehicles | Overwatch | Military Loot | Antihack |AI Missions | Repaired Vehicles | PvP | AutoRefuel | Debug Monitor | Custom Buildings | Supply Drops |%MOD% [%TIMEZONE%]|%MOD_VERSION%
Hey Mordy,
My friends and I enjoy playing on your Overwatch server when we aren't actively working on our own Epoch server , but you seriously need to watch some of your admins as they definitely abuse their powers. The rule stated on your load in screen notwithstanding, I simply wanted you to know.
I would appreciate more specific information. names, times, dates, and that kind of thing. I accept that some small admin abuse may occur, and I do my best to correct it, and if I could, I would not have any admins, but some are required. Help me identify an abuser that is flying under the radar. If there is proof then I will warn them, or even revoke admin status if it was serious enough. Thanks for playing on our server. I hope we are doing a good job overall.