Error on Epoch 1.0.4 Napf


New Member
Server loads fine, and the AI heli/Land AI vehicle spawns, just noticed this in my server.rpt and havent seen any ground troops.

15:10:18 Error in expression <= (_health select 3);
if ((_lowblood or _brokenbones) && {((time - _lastBandage)>
15:10:18   Error position: <_brokenbones) && {((time - _lastBandage)>
15:10:18   Error Undefined variable in expression: _brokenbones
15:10:18 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\compile\unit_resupply.sqf, line 95
15:10:21 Error in expression <tatements ["true", _wpStatements];

if (_debug > 0) then {
_markername = str (_w>
15:10:21   Error position: <_debug > 0) then {
_markername = str (_w>
15:10:21   Error Undefined variable in expression: _debug
15:10:21 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\compile\BIN_taskPatrol.sqf, line 147
Man, I just gotta say, thank you for all your hard work, this is truly a game changing addon that is a must for anyone playing/hosting DayZ. Truly love it!
Man, I just gotta say, thank you for all your hard work, this is truly a game changing addon that is a must for anyone playing/hosting DayZ. Truly love it!

I'll second that, thank you for the quick cadence on fixing bugs!