Forcing first person for Helicopters only (WIP)


Well-Known Member
Alright so I have this script from BIS forums. I modified it quickly:

The problem is, I have no idea where to put it in Dayz.


I'd like it to stay in the mission file so it's cleaner to re-implement when dayz updates! Any ideas?
it's working now

Just plug this into your init:

if (!isDedicated) then
0 spawn
while {true} do​
if((cameraView == "EXTERNAL" || cameraView == "GROUP") && (vehicle player isKindOf "Helicopter")) then​
vehicle player switchCamera "INTERNAL";​
sleep 0.1;​
I would like to do the opposite, but for all vehicles... so you can only run around in first person but when you enter a vehicle you can switch to third person. Is there a command for all vehicles or would i have to make a if statement for every vehicle?
What this does is force you to switch to first person if you are in 3rd if you are that kind of vehicle.

If you are a man (ie player vehicle) you'll be forced into first person. If you are in a vehicle your not forced to :)