Fr33ksh0w DayZ Epoch


Server Info:
Welcome to Fr33ksh0w DayZ. We strive to make your gaming experience as enjoyable and exciting as possible. In doing so we have added features and updates features in hopes to make this possible. Our admins constantly monitor the server to keep your gaming time on our server as enjoyable and hacker free as possible.

Self Blood Bag by right click in inventory
Snap-to Base Building
Higher End Currency (Ruby)(will be extending further in the future)
Vehicle Service Point (Free)Refuel, Repair and Rearm fee
Extended Plot Pole distance and higher number of allowed items within pole distance
Lots of new map additions to explore and loot
Hero/Survivor AI Camp (higher skill)
Bandit Camps (higher skill)
Small groups of city roaming newbie AI
Random Events
Evac Chopper
Base Elevator
Master Key (set one key for all your keyed vehicles)

Future Features:
Trader sold vehicles update
More Higher End Currency
PvP Maze Event

Basic Rules:
No hacking
No trash talking or racism
No begging of the admins
No Trader Camping or building withing 200 meters of Trader Safe Zones
No stripping of vehicle parts within Trader Safe Zones

4:20, chobe39, FMJ, J0k3r