Full Moon Nights and Changing Weather


New Member
I just bought a server from dayz.st about 2 weeks ago and have been trying to change the night time to full moon. Its so dark sometimes my clan doesn't like playing on it so now its daylight 24/7. I have tried everything from dayz-wiki to this website and I tried everything exactly and server won't load after changes.
Instead of full moon i tried finding something to change in the weather so no overcast, no raining, no fog and nothing works or can't find what someone had said. I tried opening the hive.ini and i'm restricted.
The map i'm playing is Chernarus version
Its also seems the older versions were alot more user modified friendly from what a read.

Thanks for everyones help.

Go here and follow the instructions. Once you do this, open your dynamic weather effects and edit the values as desired. Note that this will also make it clear during the day as well as night. If someone knows how to get weather during the day but clear at night, please post.

To get full moon night times follow these instructions (I tried linking you to the DayZ.st wiki to do this, but it was hacked.)

download your dayz_server.pbo.

In the system folder you will see two files: server_cleanup.fsm and server_monitor.sqf.

Edit both of them with Notepad++ or whatever text editing program you prefer.

Open server_cleanup.fsm and find

    /*%FSM<STATE "sync_the_time">*/
    class sync_the_time
      name = "sync_the_time";
      init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"//Send request" \n
      "_key = ""CHILD:307:"";" \n
      "_result = [_key] call server_hiveReadWrite;" \n
      "_outcome = _result select 0;" \n
      "if(_outcome == ""PASS"") then {" \n
      "    _date = _result select 1; " \n
      "    _dateDiff = (dateToNumber(_date) - dateToNumber(date)) * 365 * 24 * 60;" \n
      "    if (abs(_dateDiff) > 5) then {" \n
      "        setDate _date;" \n
      "        dayzSetDate = _date;" \n
      "        publicVariable ""dayzSetDate"";" \n
      "        diag_log (""TIME SYNC: Local Time set to "" + str(_date));" \n
      "    };" \n
      "};" \n


_date = _result select 1; " \n


_date = [2012,6,6,(_result select 1) select 3, (_result select 1) select 4]; " \n

Feel free to change 2012,6,6 to whatever date you wish. That is the date that I use and it works for me. I also here 2013,8,13 works.

Save the file.

Then open server_monitor.sqf and find:

//Set the Time
_key = "CHILD:307:";
_result = [_key] call server_hiveReadWrite;
_outcome = _result select 0;
if (_outcome == "PASS") then {
    _date = _result select 1;
    if (isDedicated) then {
        setDate _date;
        dayzSetDate = _date;
        publicVariable "dayzSetDate";
    diag_log("HIVE: Local Time set to " + str(_date));


_date = _result select 1;


_date = [2012,6,6,(_result select 1) select 3, (_result select 1) select 4];

Again, feel free to change the date.

Save the file.

Re-pack the pbo and upload it to your server.

Combined with the dynamic weather effects, your nights should be clear.

If you need help, feel free to message me and give me your Skype name/Steam name.
I downloaded my server.pbo file and mission.pbo. Decompiled both of them and I can't find anything labeled external folder or DynamicWeatherEffects. Is this file something I have to download and add?
O.k I figured out that the dayz_code.pbo is located on your local drive, not from the server downloaded files. Go to the map folder under your where your dayz files are located and there you will see external file everyone talks about.
I tried the full moon modification that EpOcH91 said to do and my server won't load and after time says "something went wrong and I'm disconnected". Is there something else I should of done?


  • server_cleanup.txt
    14 KB · Views: 11
  • server_monitor.txt
    6.4 KB · Views: 14