Helis and Zombies


Well-Known Member
Hi, I just built a big motocross track in and around Stary (see below) but haven't been able to use it because of the number of zombies. I installed AI patrols to help keep their numbers down, and we're getting close to having a working track, but one big question - do heli's shoot zombies, or just bandits? I have two patrols working overhead now, but they don't seem to be shooting any zeds. Is there a config to turn this on? Thanks in advance.

Actually, I just discovered that all static spawns (heli, vehicle and foot patrol) ignore zombies. Dynamic grid-based spawns attack zombies. Any way to make all static spawned patrols attack zeds?

helis dont attack zeds. soldiers do, regardless if static or dynamic.

search for my zed nuker script here on the forums, use a couple of the nukers - problem solved.

Cool thanks much. We're finally able to use this track because of your AI script.

But FYI, my static patrol walks by the zombies without shooting, and the zombies ignore them. I've seen the foot patrols and the vehicle patrols do it. Maybe I just don't have it set right, but in any case, the combination of the dynamic and nukes should do the trick.