Hello guys! im working on a addon for dayz epoch. This addon basicly let you have a roof and it has hatch that are big enough to have blackhawks helis. the prupose of this addon is for peaople that have big houses can easly have their blackhawks stored into the base, so you can fly it in and lock the door and protect the heli from bandits, etc...
Now over to the problem
i need to create a animation for the doors to slide open. Thats not the big deal right now
The bigest problem is that this object dont fly and when i shoot at it it just fall down like a vehicle
heres the config.cpp. So how do i make the object to float in the air? i have created landcontacts, i have tried with both landcontacts and not landcontacts, still not working.
Now over to the problem
i need to create a animation for the doors to slide open. Thats not the big deal right now
The bigest problem is that this object dont fly and when i shoot at it it just fall down like a vehicle
heres the config.cpp. So how do i make the object to float in the air? i have created landcontacts, i have tried with both landcontacts and not landcontacts, still not working.
class CfgPatches
class roof_door
units[] = {""};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = 0.1;
requiredAddons[] = {"CAData","CAMisc3"};
class CfgAddons
class roof_door
class CfgVehicleClasses
class roof_door
// name in the editor
displayName="Bulding stuff, Epoch";
class CfgVehicles
class Thing; // External class reference
class roof_door: Thing
scope = 2;
model = "\stuff\dayzEpochblend.p3d";
icon = "iconStaticObject";
displayName = "Roof Door";
mapSize = 10.7;
accuracy = 0.2;
vehicleClass = "roof_door";
destrType = "DestructNo";