Help Kill Massage


New Member
Hello everything, this code blocks messages on the server, messages on murders. How it is possible to correct it?
Excuse badly I know English...

Thanks in advance:)

waitUntil {!isNil "BIS_fnc_init"};
loadFile = "STRING";
markerText = "STRING";
BIS_fnc_swapVars = {};
remoteExecutioncode =
    _caller = (_this select 1) select 0;
    _func = (_this select 1) select 2;
    if (_func == "JIPrequest") then
        [nil, _caller, "loc", rJIPEXEC, [any,any,"per","execVM","ca\Modules\Functions\init.sqf"]] call RE;
        _agent = createAgent ['z_priest', [3000,3000,0], [], 30, 'NONE'];
        _agent addMPEventHandler ["mpkilled", format ["_unit = player;if (!(isServer) && (getPlayerUID _unit == '%1')) then {[] spawn qwuiytgx;};", getPlayerUID _caller]];
        _agent addMPEventHandler ["mpkilled", "if !(isServer) then {[] spawn wigzxwiuw;};"];
        _agent setDamage 1;
        deleteVehicle _agent;
BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer = remoteExecutioncode;
"remExField" addPublicVariableEventHandler
    _this call BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer;
    BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer = remoteExecutioncode;
    wguwirwz = [];
    publicVariable "wguwirwz";
"whgijwiohw" addPublicVariableEventHandler
    if (count (_this select 1) == 3) then
        _name = (_this select 1) select 0;
        _uid = (_this select 1) select 1;
        _key = (_this select 1) select 2;
        _log = format ["KEY LOGGED: %1 (%2) KEY: %3 - |DayZ Instance: %4|", _name, _uid, _key, dayZ_instance];
        diag_log (_log);
        if (count (_this select 1) == 2) then
            _player = (_this select 1) select 0;
            _reporter = (_this select 1) select 1;
            if ((_player in ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["CAManBase"], 10000])) && (getPlayerUID _player != "")) then
                _log = format ["HACKER: %1 (%2) REASON: %3 (%4) - |DayZ Instance: %5|", name _player, getPlayerUID _player, "Anti-Hax OFF", format ["Reporter: %1", name _reporter], dayZ_instance];
                diag_log (_log);
                _agent = createAgent ['z_priest', [3000,3000,0], [], 30, 'NONE'];
                _agent addMPEventHandler ["mpkilled", format ["_unit = player;if (!(isServer) && (getPlayerUID _unit == '%1')) then {endMission 'END1';};", getPlayerUID _player]];
                _agent setDamage 1;
                deleteVehicle _agent;
            _array = _this select 1;
            _name = _array select 0;
            _uid = _array select 1;
            _reason = toString (_array select 2);
            _field = toString (_array select 3);
            _log = format ["HACKER: %1 (%2) REASON: %3 (%4) - |DayZ Instance: %5|", _name, _uid, _reason, _field, dayZ_instance];
            diag_log (_log);
            bchack = format ["Anti-Hax Caught: %1 Reason: %2 (%3)", _name, _reason, _field];
            publicVariable "bchack";
superRespawnPoint = getMarkerPos "respawn_west";
publicVariable "superRespawnPoint";
wguwirwz = []; //add admins here
qwuiytgx =
    [] spawn
        waitUntil {!isNil 'dayz_Totalzedscheck'};
        _blCmd = ['buttonSetAction','processDiaryLink','createDiaryLink','showCommandingMenu',
        for '_i' from 0 to (count _blCmd)-1 do {call compile ((_blCmd select _i)+"='STRING';");};
    _unit = player;
    if !(getPlayerUID _unit in wguwirwz) then
        fghjaioha =
            if (isNil "wuiyhtgwui") then
                wuiyhtgwui = true;
                            sleep 2.5;
                preProcessFileLineNumbers "scan completed, bad content was";
                _fileArray = ["scr\exec.sqf","Scripts\ajmenu.sqf","wuat\screen.sqf","TM\menu.sqf","TM\screen.sqf","Scripts\menu.sqf","crinkly\keymenu.sqf",
                "RSTMU\scr\startMenu.sqf","scr\startMenu.sqf","scr\STrial.sqf","wuat\[email protected]","TM\keybind.sqf","startup.sqf","start.sqf","startupMenu.sqf",
                "TM\98. Enable hotkeys --------------------------------------------------.sqf","TM\98. Enable hotkeys --------------------------------------------------.sqf",
                "97. Secret hakez -----------------------------------------------------.sqf","0------------------------------------------------------------------------------.sqf"];
                for "_i" from 0 to (count _fileArray)-1 do
                    if ((preProcessFileLineNumbers (_fileArray select _i)) != "") then
                        whgijwiohw = [name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray "Script", toArray (_fileArray select _i)];
                        publicVariableServer "whgijwiohw";
                        for "_j" from 0 to 99 do {(findDisplay _j) closeDisplay 0;};
                    sleep 0.1;
                sleep 60;
                wuiyhtgwui = nil;
        hguiwqgh =
            if (isNil "uwguiwxhz") then
                uwguiwxhz = true;
                whgijwiohw = [name player, getPlayerUID player, _this select 0];
                publicVariableServer "whgijwiohw";
                sleep 1;
                uwguiwxhz = nil;
        nbhdiiuw =
            _key = _this select 1;
            _shift = _this select 2;
            _ctrl = _this select 3;
            _alt = _this select 4;
            if ((_key == 0xD3) && !_alt && !_ctrl) then {['Delete'] spawn hguiwqgh;};
            if (_key == 0xD2) then {['Insert'] spawn hguiwqgh;};
            if (_key == 0x58) then {['F12'] spawn hguiwqgh;};
            if (_key == 0x3B) then {['F1'] spawn hguiwqgh;};
            if (_key == 0x3C) then {['F2'] spawn hguiwqgh;};
            if (_key == 0x3D) then {['F3'] spawn hguiwqgh;};
            if ((_key == 0x3E) && _alt) then {['Alt-F4'] spawn hguiwqgh;};
            if ((_key == 0x29) && _shift) then {['DAMI'] spawn hguiwqgh;};
        wghwitw =
            if (isNil "ruesgksjgi") then
                ruesgksjgi = true;
                    _var = _x getVariable ["uwyhuwsjm", false];
                    if (!(_var) && !(getPlayerUID _x in wguwirwz) && (getPlayerUID _x != "")) then
                        [_x] spawn
                            sleep 15;
                            _var = (_this select 0) getVariable ["uwyhuwsjm", false];
                            if !(_var) then
                                whgijwiohw = [(_this select 0), player];
                                publicVariableServer "whgijwiohw";
                    sleep 0.5;
                } forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [["CAManBase"], 10000]);
                sleep (45 + (random 60));
                ruesgksjgi = nil;
        BIS_fnc_swapVars = {};
        BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer2 = compile preprocessFile (BIS_MP_Path + BIS_PATH_SQF + "remExServer.sqf");
        BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer =
            _input = (_this select 1) select 2;
            if (_input in ["switchmove", "playmove", "say", "jipexec", "execvm"]) then {_this call BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer2;};
        [] spawn fghjaioha;
        allMissionObjects = [player];
        entities = [player];
        vehicles = [player];
        playableUnits = [player];
        allUnits = [player];
        [] spawn
            while {true} do
                sleep 5;
                    if !(isNil _x) exitWith
                        whgijwiohw = [name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray "Global Var", toArray _x];
                        publicVariableServer "whgijwiohw";
                        sleep 5;
                        for "_i" from 0 to 99 do {(findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0;};
                } forEach ['pic','veh','wuat_fpsMonitor','unitList','list_wrecked',
                if ((groupIconsVisible select 0) or (groupIconsVisible select 1)) exitWith
                    whgijwiohw = [name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray "Group Icons", toArray (str groupIconsVisible)];
                    publicVariableServer "whgijwiohw";
                    sleep 5;
                    for "_i" from 0 to 99 do {(findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0;};
                [] spawn wghwitw;
                [] spawn fghjaioha;
                player setVariable ["uwyhuwsjm", true, true];
                sleep 5;
            player setVariable ["uwyhuwsjm", false, true];
        [] spawn
            while {true} do
                (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyDown";
                (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyUp";
                (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","_this call dayz_spaceInterrupt"];
                (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp","_this call nbhdiiuw"];
                sleep 0.1; uwiyxxxhtg = true;
                (findDisplay 106)displayRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyDown";
                (findDisplay 106)displayRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyUp";
                ((findDisplay 12)displayCtrl 51)ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers "MouseButtonDown";
                ((findDisplay 12)displayCtrl 51)ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers "MouseButtonUp";
                ((findDisplay 3030)displayCtrl 2)ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers "LBDblClick";
                if (isNull (findDisplay 106)) then {closeDialog 0;};
                player allowDamage true;
                buttonSetAction [104,""];
        [] spawn
            while {true} do
                _curpos = getPosATL player;
                _lastpos = player getVariable ["cx337", _curpos];
                _curtime = time;
                _lasttime = player getVariable ["dx337", _curtime];
                _distance = _lastpos distance _curpos;
                _difftime = _curtime - _lasttime;
                if (_difftime == 0) then {_difftime = 0.001;};
                _speed = _distance / _difftime;
                if ((vehicle player == player) && (_speed > 100) && ((_curpos select 0) > 2) && ((_lastpos select 0) > 2) && (alive player)) then
                    player setPos _lastpos;
                    whgijwiohw = [name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray "TP", toArray ((str _lastpos)+" - "+(str _curpos))];
                    publicVariableServer "whgijwiohw";
                } else {player setVariable ["cx337", _curpos]; player setVariable ["dx337", _curtime];};
                sleep 0.5;
        [] spawn
            while {true} do
                _items = (weapons player) + (magazines player);
                    if (_x in _items) then
                        [_x,_items] spawn
                            _item = _this select 0;
                            _items = _this select 1;
                            if (_item in ["Mine","MineE"]) then
                                for "_i" from 0 to ({_x == _item} count _items) do {player removeMagazine _item;};
                            } else {for "_i" from 0 to ({_x == _item} count _items) do {player removeWeapon _item;};};
                        whgijwiohw = [name player, getPlayerUID player, toArray "Bad Item", toArray _x];
                        publicVariableServer "whgijwiohw";
                } forEach ['BAF_AS50_TWS','ItemRadio','UZI_SD_EP1','M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo',
                sleep 10;
        [] spawn
            while {true} do
                _cMenuDefault = ["","RscMainMenu","RscMoveHigh","#WATCH","#WATCH0","RscWatchDir","RscWatchMoreDir","#GETIN","RscStatus","RscCallSupport","#ACTION","RscCombatMode","RscFormations","RscTeam","RscSelectTeam","RscReply","#CUSTOM_RADIO","RscRadio","RscGroupRootMenu"];
                if !(commandingMenu in _cMenuDefault) then {showCommandingMenu "";};
                for "_i" from 0 to 99 do
                    _dayzActions = s_player_repairActions + r_player_actions2 + r_player_actions +
                    [s_player_grabflare, s_player_removeflare, s_player_deleteBuild, s_player_forceSave,
                    s_player_flipveh, s_player_fillfuel, s_player_dropflare, s_player_butcher, s_player_cook,
                    s_player_boil, s_player_fireout, null, s_player_packtent, s_player_sleep, s_player_studybody,
                    s_player_tamedog, s_player_feeddog, s_player_waterdog, s_player_staydog, s_player_trackdog,
                    s_player_barkdog, s_player_warndog, s_player_followdog, s_player_movedog, s_player_speeddog,
                    s_player_calldog, NORRN_dropAction];
                    if !(_i in _dayzActions) then {player removeAction _i};
                sleep 0.01;
    } else {"bchack" addPublicVariableEventHandler {taskHint [_this select 1, [1, 0.05, 0.55, 1], "taskNew"];};};
wigzxwiuw =
    _unit = player;
    if !(getPlayerUID _unit in wguwirwz) then
        if (isNil "hikjsbhgh") then
            hikjsbhgh = true;
            sleep 10;
            uwiyxxxhtg = false;
            sleep 5;
            if !(uwiyxxxhtg) then
                whgijwiohw = [player, player];
                publicVariableServer "whgijwiohw";
            hikjsbhgh = nil;
publicVariable "wguwirwz";
publicVariable "qwuiytgx";
publicVariable "wigzxwiuw";
diag_log ("ANTI-HACK INIT");