HELP ME!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
dayz 1.7.7 stop most of my scripts.
Now switched to Epoch and got some scripts in now the trading post don't work and how can i add custom buildings in from 3D editor.
Wich scripts did you get towork on your Epoch server, and were they the same on you DayZ server?
I when to Taviana since it uses a old version of Dayz.
What the server has:
-Base Building
-Trading post
-Custom Buildings
-Auto Refueling
-Custom Debug Montor
-Full moon
-Talk Menu -lets you talk without a mic thanks to Blurgaming
-Intro when you spawn in
-Custom Loading screen
-Anti hacks
-200+vehicles spawns
-8+ chopper spawns
-self blood bag
-street lights
-Roaming AI
-Fast Rope
-Color correction
-vehicle strip
-vehicle flip
I have just started a Epoch server and I m curently trying to find cripts to add. I am not having luck. Can i use the same ones from my DayZ server on Epoch?