Help needed with rmod

#1: it has to look like this

as for the issue, what i recommend doing is load dayz without rmod. If rmod is off and you can join, then Start dayz with rmod and retry. if it doesnt work, make sure rmod is correctly installed. make sure @rmod is in OA and not ArmaII. Load dayz using six launcher or dayz commander. doing a steam launch seems to always cause issues.

Note: Alot of Server's with rmod are whitelisted.
#1: it has to look like this

as for the issue, what i recommend doing is load dayz without rmod. If rmod is off and you can join, then Start dayz with rmod and retry. if it doesnt work, make sure rmod is correctly installed. make sure @rmod is in OA and not ArmaII. Load dayz using six launcher or dayz commander. doing a steam launch seems to always cause issues.

Note: Alot of Server's with rmod are whitelisted.

I am using DayZ Commander, so I shouldn't have to add anything to the command line, but I will try changing it to rMod instead of rmod.
as far as that goes, here are some pics of how i have rMod set up.

the actual folder is directly put into arma2OA.

as for startup parameters:

Ignore everything else and looks only at whats highlighted. those other parameters is just for optimizations and quicker loading time.
That is what i put into the parameters for Six launcher, since i dont have dayz commander installed, i cant really provide a picture of what that looks like.


if you look on the top right, it should show the different mods and addons loaded into the game.

@rMod should show up, if its there, its properly loaded.

my server has rMod installed, so try joining my server and see if it works.
it may take time to load cause i have noticed a spike in data usage since installing rMod.


as you see, rMod is installed and working in my server, so if you can join, rmod is operational.
if it still freezes or takes more than 5 minutes for any activity to occur, then i recommend downloading rmod again and redownloading it.
as well, when join a server, make sure its the correct server too. rMod only works for chernarus and Lingor, as far as i can tell at least.
Did you add the "rmod" entry to your mission.sqm?

class Mission
"bunch of other addons down here"