Help with a few scripts


New Member
Hello all,

I am looking to add 2 things to my server, and can't seem to find a tutorial anywhere.

Looping global chat messages. (Ex: Vist our website! (plays once every 30 minutes))
Tried to get the one that is through the community wiki to work, but failed to get it to work for some reason. (BEC isn't supported with Got this to work!

{Player} has connected/disconnected.
Would like to get this to working so people on the server will know who is connecting/disconnecting. Would help with identifying potential hackers or combat loggers.



<job id="0">
<cmd>say -1 Vist our website!</cmd>


This 003000 means after 2 minutes, the message

Vist our website!

the loop = 0 meaning one time, changing it to 1 will allow it to announce every 2 minutes

Hope that helps you..

Helps Alot, just looking into how to get BEC onto my server. I'm thinking through the Filezilla program I used to access it. Say I want it to run every 30 minutes instead of every 2. Would I set the delay to 1800 or would this be the time part of the code. Just want a little more clarification before I go and spam the server.
Well, darn. Hopefully they update their tutorial so I can have the messages looped ther way. The code on the old tutorial was out of date.

Any idea on how to connect/disconnect in chat? I have seen it on two servers.
Bump for help on connect/disconnect messages. I notice it plays a message in the lobby, but not in game, what lines of code do I edit to make it play in game as well.