HFB DayZ Server Host


New Member
I have had a server hosted by HFB for some time now.

I have managed to do a lot of stuff, and their service is very good.

I have a couple questions that I have never been able to figure out for myself.

#1 How would I go about editing the max file size for custom faces? I would like to change it to 50kb so some custom faces can be permitted.


#2 Where would one find where to put a customized dayz_mission.pbo? I have located the dayz_server_pbo, but the mission.pbo is nowhere to be found. Is there a different way to do this? IF there is, please fill me in as best as you can. IF you know the location of this file in the host HFB servers, please tell me.

Everything is much appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
