How big is your mission file?

After adding a few mods im up to 925kb..seems a bit large considering default is like 49 kb.
Also, I still have stuff i want to add and might go as high as 1 or 1.2 MB..
So my questions to you guys are:
How big is your custom mission file?
What would you consider to big?
As a player if you saw a 1mb mission file would you wait or bail out to another server?
Are ther any adverse affects from running such a large file ?

Currently on Taviana 2.0 im running:
Basebuilding 1.2
Sarge AI .....this is effn awesome btw
Working house lights
Admin tools
I would like to also add:
Ground Fog

So like in said ..How big is yours and how much is too much?
our mission file is like 1.8mb atm, but if you'd ever have played arma2 you 'd know that's even a small mission file.
i've seen mission files up and over 7mb on arma2
Thanks Soul for the response....ya I'm kind of new round here ..only got arma to play DAYZ. I didn't realize the mission files got that big.
So guess ill add the rest of the stuff on my list. :)
Thanks for the info
New one I'm working on - 4mb atm, will be doing some changes to reduce it a bit... Have yet to test it with shitloads of people on (sometime this week)
I need to reduce mine also. my file size is 4866kb = 4.8mb
and it consists of...
ai patrol
air raid bombing
auto refuel
debug monitor
heli lift/towing
stripping vehicle parts
custom starting speach + text
halo jump on spawn
self blood bag
custom loot table
custom loading screen
I need to reduce mine also. my file size is 4866kb = 4.8mb
and it consists of...
ai patrol
air raid bombing
auto refuel
debug monitor
heli lift/towing
stripping vehicle parts
custom starting speach + text

halo jump on spawn
self blood bag
custom loot table
custom loading screen
Hey man how is the air raid...did you go random or static bombings?
Are you using Sarge's ai?
Currently around 715kb on my Epoch server. Still a bunch of stuff I'd like to add...will probably push it to around 2Mb. I don't think it's too big a deal, most mission files download in seconds anyway even if they're a few Mb's.