How to report a bug / an issue ...

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OpenDayZ Guru!
Staff member

because i am getting too many of these kind of messages:

Add me on skype please
I need to ask many question.

How do i get AI

My AI doesnt spawn.

if you want my support (and in general this was never an issue), from now on write a post with the following format please if you have an issue (HOW DO I MAKE IT WORK questions simply get ignored by me. Show some respect to the author and invest YOUR time in reading MY documentation. Before asking ME to invest MY time to do YOUR work for YOU.)

Sample error Report
YES; i did read the FAQ and the READMEs
on and on github,
and i searched this thread for my issue.
Version of SAR_AI :  x.x.x
Version of Dayz  :  x.x.x.x
Type              :  Bliss/Crosire etc
Version          :  x.x.x
Installed mods    :  Long list of your mods
Enabled debug modes:  SAR_DEBUG, SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG, KRON_UPS_DEBUG, other ?
Describe your issue:
Paste an EXTRACT of the relevant parts of cfg files
(SAR_config, x_x_grid.cgf, x_x_grps.cfg) here:
Paste the RELEVANT parts of your rpt file here:
Did you try to disable my mod and check if your issue is still there? YES/NO
Did you try to disable OTHER mods to see which mod is causing the issue? YES/NO
Did you read the FAQ and the READMEs on and on github? YES/NO
Did you search this thread if anyone else had the issue as well ? YES/NO

Thanks all for understanding and sticking to this, i prefer to spend my time programming new features instead of explaining where to turn off the groupmarkers the 100th time.


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