How to ... Vehicle Exclusion Zone


Well-Known Member
Hi all.

I have an event that I can spawn that is on the Suhrenfield Array island. What I would like to do is make a vehicle exclusion zone to tack on to the end of the file that spawns the event in that will warn players if they get close to this island in a vehicle while the event is running and possibly delete the vehicle if they get closer after the warning. Having no idea on how to accomplish this task would anyone like to point me in the right direction? Please?

I have this file that warns players/takes their gear/kills them if they don't comply, when they are approaching the debug area :

titleText ["You have reached the edge of the map. Turn back now!", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
sleep 20;
titleText ["You have 30 seconds to turn around or be exterminated!", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
sleep 20;
titleText ["You have 10 seconds to return to the map.", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
removeAllWeapons player;
sleep 5;
titleText ["We are helping survivors by wiping out stupidity!", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
sleep 5;
player setDamage 1;

Could I alter that somehow to delete a vehicle?
you need trigger (sensor) sensor activated script when player distance < 300 m and run script, script write messages and delete vehicle
This should work if you add it to your script to delete a vehicle if they are in one.

if (vehicle player != player) then {
deletevehicle (vehicle player);