Humanity values not working properly


Many of my players are reporting survivor and soldiers shooting at them, when they're positive humanity.

This is my config for the humanity:

// Humanity Value that gets substracted for a survivor or soldier AI kill
SAR_surv_kill_value = 250;
// Humanity Value that gets ADDED for a bandit AI kill
SAR_band_kill_value = 100;
// the humanity value below which a player will be considered hostile

Why are they shooting people with + humanity?
Hi Chalk1990,
We also use SAR AI on our DayZ Chernarus server and until yet, luckily never saw the mentioned issue (most of my team mates and my self play as a survivor). Your config also looks fine (until you did not screw up any other parts of the SAR AI code :))

Are you sure that:
  1. the AI shooting your survivors are either survivors or soldiers and surely not some bandits?
  2. the AI shooting are not only a few survivors who are actually shooting at some zeds? (don't get into their line of fire :D)
best regards
Hey Gabber, are u aware that Sarge AI is actually a swiss product ? :)

To answer the above question:

What kind of classes did you define for bandits? Usually people mix that one up.

There is no way that friendly AI shoot friendly players. Trying to shoot a friendly AI in the toe will make your players unfriendly though ... even they might still have positive humanity.

Hey Sarge,

Yes I'm aware that Sarge AI is a swiss product ;) kudos to you!
But the way I found out about it is just funny aswell: (if you want to know, pls read the spoiler)

I could now just post in german or even swiss german, but as it might interest also other people how we (SBRF) found out about it, I'll stick to english and please excuse; english is not my native language but I'll try my best.

To be honest, I've read about Sarge AI here on and thought this may add some more action to the server, but I did not had the time to check it out as we were in progress of setting up the server...

As soon as the server ran, we had a look into customization and so we had to check out Sarge AI and went on github to download the files, until one of my colleagues realized your github account name and we thought: could it really be that the author is swiss?!

As we saw your email address, we were definitely sure you're swiss too :) reason enough for me to add Sarge AI to our server: swiss quality :D
Big thx for a great and wonderful framework, we appreciate the work you put into it!

Back to topic:
To answer your question regarding the classes defined: I for myself, did not change the standard defined classes for survivors, bandits or soldiers. It's working for me as intended and I'm also not having the mentioned issue on our server.
But as you already mentioned, it's probably mostly the standard defined classes thing which irritates people if you keep the default settings of a 3 men unit for a bandit, survivor or soldier group, which gives you only one indicator: the skin of the group leader.

As we tested it for the first time on our server we were not sure if we are shooting at bandits, survivors or soldiers, until we saw the group leader with the hero skin :eek: and of course we killed a few survivors :oops:

If there is no way that friendly AI shoot friendly players, I assume it's the same what happened to most of our users who encountered their first AI group: Player sees either a group of survivors, bandits or soldiers and get's to trigger happy and shoots whatever moves :p

Well, in the swiss army we do have several safety rules for shooting and one of them is in german: "seines Zieles sicher sein" -> which literally could be translated into: be sure of your target -> first identify your target and make sure it is hostile, before you shoot at it.

Happy AI hunting :D

best regards