I cant figure out how to let player move/drag boxes/crates


New Member
Hi !
As the topic states, I cant figure out how to let players move/drag boxes/crates. I've used google without any luck. Can someone please tell me what im actually looking for and where to find it?
AFAIK the only way to do this is to configure towing to allow it. I know this sounds odd but let me explain:

In the R3F towing folder is the config.sqf where you set up towing. One of the nice adds to this mod is the ability to let players move selected object classes. Scroll down to this section:
     * List of class names of objects moveables by player.
     * Liste des noms de classes des objets transportables par le joueur.
    R3F_LOG_CFG_objets_deplacables =

What this does is allow players to move the ammo crates spawned by the missions in my server. You can place any class in here but be sure you understand that players can move ANY of them. So then you ask why would I do this? Well also I have this in the same file:
     * List of class names of transportables objects.
     * The second element of the arrays is the cost capacity (in relation with the capacity of the vehicles).
     * Liste des noms de classes des objets transportables.
     * Le deuxième élément des tableaux est le coût de capacité (en relation avec la capacité des véhicules).
    R3F_LOG_CFG_objets_transportables =
       ["ATV_CZ_EP1", 50],
       ["ATV_US_EP1", 50],
       ["CSJ_GyroC", 50],
       ["CSJ_GyroCover", 50],
       ["CSJ_GyroP", 50],
       ["Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1", 25],
       ["Old_moto_TK_Civ_EP1", 25],
       ["USSpecialWeaponsBox", 50],
       ["USVehicleBox_EP1", 50],
       ["TKSpecialWeapons_EP1", 50],
       ["BAF_BasicAmmunitionBox", 50],
       ["USOrdnanceBox", 50],
       ["BAF_VehicleBox", 50],
       ["USBasicWeaponsBox", 50],
       ["USBasicAmmunitionBox", 50],
       ["USLaunchersBox", 50],
       ["RUOrdnanceBox", 50],
       ["Ka137_MG_PMC", 50],
       ["M1030_US_DES_EP1", 25],
       ["MMT_Civ", 25],
       ["TT650_Civ", 25],
       ["TT650_Ins", 25],
       ["TT650_TK_CIV_EP1", 25]      
This section allows me to "load" certain items into other items. I let my players load the boxes as well as bikes, motorcycles, and ATV's into the trucks. The second number on each line is the "cost" that each item has to load. Lastly I have this:
     * List of class names of (ground or air) vehicles which can transport transportables objects.
     * The second element of the arrays is the load capacity (in relation with the capacity cost of the objects).
     * Liste des noms de classes des véhicules (terrestres ou aériens) pouvant transporter des objets transportables.
     * Le deuxième élément des tableaux est la capacité de chargement (en relation avec le coût de capacité des objets).
    R3F_LOG_CFG_transporteurs =
        ["Ikarus", 100],
        ["Ikarus_TK_CIV_EP1", 100],
        ["ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZE", 100],
        ["Kamaz", 100],
        ["KamazRefuel_DZ", 100],
        ["KamazOpen_DZE", 100],
        ["MTVR_DES_EP1", 100],
        ["MTVR", 100],
        ["MtvrRefuel_DES_EP1_DZ", 100],
        ["UralCivil", 100],
        ["UralCivil2", 100],
        ["Ural_CDF", 100],
        ["Ural_TK_CIV_EP1", 100],
This sets up the vehicles that can carry the items defined earlier. The second number here is the total storage available. So looking at the ATV's above, since they have 50 "cost" each truck can carry a max of 2 of them.

Hope all this helps you get set up. It's a really useful part of the towing mod that's often overlooked on servers.
thankz for this info... however I have added vehicles and I now can load vehicles in but how do I get them back out ???? I see no unload option
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Guys, I forgot to tell you to add this to your description.ext. See that last line? It goes there in your file:

respawn = "BASE";
respawndelay = 5;
onLoadMission="DayZ_Epoch Napf";
OnLoadIntro = "Welcome to Napf";
OnLoadIntroTime = False;
OnLoadMissionTime = False;
disabledAI = true;

#include "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\desc_include.h"

That will make it work. I'm sorry I forgot that part!
already had desc_include.h from before, so i guess thats why i didnt get that problem. Now every player that joins my server doesnt have sound. i have to heal them. Wondering if one of the many scripts are messing it up.
I know everyone always says "My stuff didn't do that!" but in this case I would be surprised if towing caused this. Want to send me your rpt and let me take a look at it? Fresh eyes so often see things.
Ill try to work it out myself, havent had the time yet. Thought it was the admintool first, but now i know everyone who joins has the same problem. Think it might be something in the HALO, selectspawn or altimeter. I save the mission and server pbo for each time I add a new scripts, that way its easy to see which script is making trouble. Thanks though! =) May i ask for your help later if I cant figure it out myself?
Guys, I forgot to tell you to add this to your description.ext. See that last line? It goes there in your file:

respawn = "BASE";
respawndelay = 5;
onLoadMission="DayZ_Epoch Napf";
OnLoadIntro = "Welcome to Napf";
OnLoadIntroTime = False;
OnLoadMissionTime = False;
disabledAI = true;

#include "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\desc_include.h"

That will make it work. I'm sorry I forgot that part!
yup that seems to work thanks alot for this post