I want to remove all zombies from private server


Well-Known Member
Just like the title says. I am looking for a way to completely disable zombies from spawning on my server. I have seen a few tutorials on these forums but most do not seem to be compatible with (meaning the lines of code they are saying to change or remove don't seem to be there in the new dayz_code).

I am running a vanilla dayz server with edited mission file to add in self blood, towing/heli lift/mission spawned vehicles (the ones that reset after restarts) etc. I can get all of those to work, but anything regarding editing zombie spawns doesn't seem to have any impact. Any detailed help would be greatly appreciated.
Ok, so i've figured out how to remove zombies using the player_spawncheck.sqf but when i edit out the zombies using this, no loot will spawn. Any ideas?
i really dont see the sense in this... removing all the zeds...
arma2 can be started so easily... ^^ or if you like with npcs... take wasteland :cool:
One of the issues is that with maps with a lot of zeds, any vehicles flying over typically seem to generate a lot of fps drops with the zeds running. So this is the reason to reduce or eliminate them completely.
Simplest way to reduce them drastically is the set the local zombies level.. to zero...I do this for testing sometimes.. god know why you'd want to play dayz without them mind!..you will still get some static spawning zombies.. but the ones you cause won't spawn..look for the setting in your server's "init"