IceBreakr (creator of lingor) has created an alien mod that adds vehicles, skins and weapons.


Valued Member!
I am trying to get the creator of the lingor dayz mod to add these models to the new release of lingor, i want them so bad. If I cant get him to, I might have to release a version of my own that includes them and uses them as a main feature. Anyone want to join me? I have been talking about this for a while now, and it can be achieved easily.
Player2 and I are now working a new full fledge Mod now and we are calling it either DayZ Invasion or InvasionZ. More Details coming soon. We will probably start a thread about it soon.
How would someone go about , in loading this mission into thier current PBO file to run it on the server.
if said person had written consent.

there isnt an INIt.Sqf. only a file called zetaborn_init..
and there is no description.sqf..
there is a scripts folder in which the zetaborn_init.sqf is located in and other FSM files, and SQS files..

anyhelp would be greatly appreciated
This cannot be achieved, the only way to do this would be to have your players install it like Rmod and run it on your server with launch parameters. Invasionz is the solution to this as it will include these aliens, and Alpha should be ready by the end of the weekend.
i will still attempt to do this. thanks for the info. if anyone else out there wants to help me out i'd be greatly appreciative.