Idea : Car Radio - Multiple Track Selection


DayZ Car Radio

I thought this would be an awesome addition dayz, and i have even seen videos of arma using such a radio.

NOTE: Best result would be server side --- So people outside of the car could here you jamming out as others drive by :)

Here is a arma feature i found :

That looks very similar to the video i found awhile back.

Would something like this be possible? (It should work in heli's too)

Potential Issues

In game ambient music combining with radio music - (perhaps have it fall under Sound Effects Volume instead of music volume?)

Music files taking up to much space? - Full songs can be quite large, and i don't think anyone would force any of their clients to download MB's of information through the mission file everytime. Could this be done elsewhere of the mission.pbo perhaps?
What do you guys think? Anyone care to give it a shot?

The way he did it doesn't even involve the mission.pbo, could i somehow do this the same way with a car radio?
Clients only receive the mission file.
You can probably compress the music down with cutting the sample rate in half, cutting the bit rate to average around 45-65, etc.
I've gotten mp3 files from 3mb down to about 400kb and was able to push them into a mission. It does take a bit to download...

Maybe some sort of streaming code. Have it so it actually IS a radio station. Things can be sent from the server to the client, and in the mission file there could be some sort of buffer.
It'll need to elaborated upon, but it does seem doable.
hm? Care to elaborate?
He means using music that is part of companies such as WMG, etc...
So bands that are main-stream should be left out...

Unless you can stream from Pandora or something.

I was thinking of adding in Russian anthems and songs from the 30's-50's...
Streaming is not possible with the engine, plus the fact that streaming music requires a licence. Only way you can legally do this is public domain and Creative Commons licensed songs.
Streaming is not possible with the engine, plus the fact that streaming music requires a licence. Only way you can legally do this is public domain and Creative Commons licensed songs.

Or you could take the legal leap of faith in putting songs only activated in a car radio, in a mod of a real game?

Just my opinion, not really worried about breaking the law.
Update: the smallest i could compress a 2:30 music file , and have it retain decent quality, was to 500KB

I could get it down to 160kb but it was horrible sounding...

Sounded like the quality my shitty car gets....WAIT A MINUTE?

lol no but seriously it was REALLY bad (i attached the 2 songs i compressed, 1 is 3 min, 1 is 2:30 as stated above)


    694.9 KB · Views: 11
Doesn't PixeLs dogs use a buncha custom .ogg that you have control over (whistling and such). If that's possible, why wouldn't it be possible to add functions to the car to control music?
Anyone on the server can hear the songs played on any vehicle on map. Works like a sound of a car, for example, when you're around, music has a sound loud ... when away, the sound tends to be low, and so on ...
people can hear music in relation to distance from it to the vehicle. :p