IED script help

Any video of the two different explosions? can u detonate the ied's yourself, or do they detonate when people get close to them?

Thanks in advance. ;-)
Im too lazy to record things! They work exactly like Satchel Bombs, a small IED is like a large grenade explosion and a large ied is about the same as a satchel bomb
so I wanted to test these out before I implemented it in my server and I found that when I use the ieds they don't remove from the inventory. I am on epoch 1.03.1 Do you have this problem? or does something in the script take care of that?
This is the first ive heard of this, not personally seen it happen myself and its on a few servers i know of running epoch Its worked perfectly on my server for quite a while. Would you like to send me a link to your mission file on drop box or something and ill have a look for you?
So...yea there is no problem. One of my admins was testing for me and they had infinite ammo on. LoL. So everything is good. Thanks for the great script. I expanded it to all 4 versions of the IED.
oh btw you know you don't need to have the full compiles in your mission you just need to do something like this in the init.sqf

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\compiles.sqf"; //Compile custom compiles
progressLoadingScreen 1.0;

and then just add your line to the custom compile as you would normally.

player_selectSlot = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "IED\ui_selectSlot.sqf";

if that makes any

that way your not having to replace anything and your just adding to.
So I'm looking at the IED.sqf and was wondering if it would possible to require the player to have a radio as well as a toolbox to craft? I'm just not sure how to modify this code:

//DJ SCOTTY's & Mckooters IED Crafting
_toolBox                = "ItemToolbox" in items player;
if (!_toolBox) exitWith {cutText [format["You need a tool box to Craft an IED"], "PLAIN DOWN"];};
if (dayz_combat == 1) exitWith {cutText [format["You are in combat and cannot build an IED!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];};
Easily done like so, however what you have to remember is that this is for the crafting of the item, not for the detonating or use of the item. It could be an idea to implement a radio as a component, ill make an updated version that does so, with an easy user functionality to edit.

This is how you would add the radio as a requirement to build but not as a component

//DJ SCOTTY's & Mckooters IED Crafting
_toolBox                = "ItemToolbox" in items player;
_radio                = "ItemRadio" in items player;
if (!_toolBox) exitWith {cutText [format["You need a tool box to Craft an IED"], "PLAIN DOWN"];};
if (!_radio) exitWith {cutText [format["You need a Radio to Craft an IED"], "PLAIN DOWN"];};
if (dayz_combat == 1) exitWith {cutText [format["You are in Combat and cannot build an IED"], "PLAIN DOWN"];};
This looks like a really cool script. Now the problem I am having is that I already have a ui_selectSlot.sqf in my custom folder for depolyable bikes. What do I need to edit so that will work with IED.
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Okay so would this be the right spot to put it?
//if ((time - dayzClickTime) < 1) exitWith {};
if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["GUID123"]) then {
if (_button == 1) then {
//dayzClickTime = time;
_group = _parent displayCtrl 6902;