Increasing Zombie Damage

John Doe90

New Member
Hey guys,

I'm looking for a way to increase the damage zombies do. I've been digging around in the dayz_code and in the dayz_code>>compile>>fn_damagehandler i found a bit of code that looks like a way to increase the damage. My question is how do i increase the damage to say 3-4 hits kills a player and how do i implement it in the server. I have acces to the server.pbo (init.sqf, server_functions, and a set of compile files).

fn_damagehandler extract:

/PVP Damage
_scale = 200;
if (_damage > 0.4) then {
if (_ammo != "zombie") then {
_scale = _scale + 50;
if (_isHeadHit) then {
_scale = _scale + 500;
if ((isPlayer _source) and !(player == _source)) then {
_scale = _scale + 800;
if (_isHeadHit) then {
_scale = _scale + 500;
switch (_type) do {
case 1: {_scale = _scale + 200};
case 2: {_scale = _scale + 200};
if (_unit == player) then {
//Cause blood loss
//Log Damage
//diag_log ("DAMAGE: player hit by " + typeOf _source + " in " + _hit + " with " + _ammo + " for " + str(_damage) + " scaled " + str(_damage * _scale));
r_player_blood = r_player_blood - (_damage * _scale);

Thanx in advance
In cfgdayz>Users>cfgdayz>cfgdayz.ArmA2OAProfile

Whichever difficulty you use, change:


Mine is:


And they seem to hurt a lot more and knock down a lot more.
thanx forgotten, I rent a server from, so where would i find the cfgdayz? Or if it a local file, how do i add it to the server.pbo or mission.pbo?
I would guess you would find it under Mission Difficulty, as I can only guess, as I run Pwnozor's package. Basically I imported the enemy damage from Mercenary and I run Veteran difficulty. But I have direct access to my files.