Issues with i44 server


New Member
Hello so i made my mind and tried to setup an dayz 1944 server up I started putting up the build when at the finish i got Hunk #12 failed at line 205. I didn't really cared so mutch i thought the server would go well after importing all wich i needed i thought it would go well . Now the thing is that when i try to join my server It just remains at wait for host and the server doesn't starts the hive. So Help me please ifu know how:)
Thank you you are a time saver . Did u managed to put in the heavy stuff like tanks and more planes wich aren't in initial database?
I used a post somewhere here in one of the threads to add new vehicles, and then I converted all the Chernarus spawns to world 17 instead of 1 and changed the vehicles to the I44 vehicles instead of chernarus vehicles. I have lots of vehicles, but finding some are spawning in the water. just slightly of shore, and getting 2 vehicles in some spawn points because of overlap of spawn locations.