Kill Board only for TraderCitys / SafeZones

I recognized that there is a Killboard in the Trader Citys,which shows the last kills serverwide.
That made me thinking about how to log kills done only inside the Trader Citys.
I'd suggest using the addMPEventHandler function to do so

and put this in my init.sqf
fn_whoDunnit = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fn_whoDunnit.sqf";

private ["_victim","_killer"];
_victim = _this select 0;
_killer = _this select 1;
hint format ["%1 KILLED %2",_killer,_victim];
if (isServer) then {diag_log format ["%1 KILLED %2",_killer,_victim];};

so far this should work, but will log all kills serverwide. I want to use it in a trigger and only in a certain location, and dont know how to do this.

Is it possible to set a trigger in the Editor and addEventhandler via init expression???
Is there a way to do a scoreboard/killboard for when you kill an AI.

So people can compete to get the more AI kills and see eachothers scores in-game?