Looking for a server coder, Got HFB Servers. if need to change please let me know. Willing to pay.

E. Hart

New Member
As title states, looking for a coder for my overwatch server. Contact my skype: Ethorik for the things we need

Debug, Auto Refuel, Add More cars/Helis, Self Bloodbag. Add more barracks/buildings to Balota, NE, NW. Add random Military bases with barracks around the map. (Sort of Like Overwatch Grand), increased military loot and have several questions.

Let me know.
You wont have to pay anyone here bro... Just ask for the help and ye shall receive. To add more barracks you need to start up the editor and add in the barracks you want and where you want them.. Now save the file as lets say morebarracks...

Now you need to find a little program I use called sqf to server sqf converter I think you can google it I don't have the link sorry... then you just load the mission u made into it and tell it where you want the file saved... What I did was make a folder in the main mission.pbo file called Buildings and save it there..
Now go into the init.sqf in the main mission.pbo directory and add this to the bottom

[] ExecVM "buildings\morebarracks.sqf";

And that should do it for the barracks.. Atleast that's how I do it.. the only issue is it makes the pbo file bigger so when someone joins its just that much more they will download when starting up...
But now you have that done and anytime u add more to the map u just save it as a new file or u can edit the same mission over and over.. I do seperate ones incase I need to change some little thing so its not that big of an edit.

As far as debug and refuel and more cars and things of that nature there are plenty and I mean plenty of threads on here that will walk you through setting all that up.. Look at me Ive had a server two months and Ive learned a ton from this site..