Loot Table?


New Member
Ok so I basically just played around with my mission file and the 3d editor for a bit. I learned how to add in my own buildings and all that stuff was pretty fun to play with.

Now I am trying to figure out how to modify the loot tables on my server without the clients having to download a pbo to run it. I have played on other servers with modified loot tables and they had G36s AK107 and RPKs with a % change of spawn inside the barracks as well.

Where do I start? :)
Well a day ago, i would have told u best been to alter the loot-tables for heli crash sites & if u alter the wrecks / carepackages packages for bliss...

Have a look @ http://www.tunngle.net/community/to...-in-mpmission/page__view__findpost__p__917041
Its basicly a mission fix, where u can replace a loot item with something else...
i.e replace ItemWire with ItemSandbags...

Note:- I have only just applied to my server today... so havent had chance to confirm first hand it works...
I too am very interested in a way to actually add items to current Loot Tables, if this is even possible... My server is using rMod to get rid of some of the vehicle- and weapon bans, vehicles are working nicely but I would want some of the other weapons to spawn in DayZ loot piles instead of vehicle inventories which is the best workaround I've come up with so far...

Any help regarding this matter would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: Thought I'd mention if the players would have to download a new mission file while joining my server, that's fine. Might be that this is already possible but I haven't been able to find anything thus far

Edit 2: I made some progress on my research, it seems I need to unpack dayz_code.pbo and edit CfgBuildingLoot.sqf however, this file isn't inside said PBO File, nor is it for other maps such as Panthera - Has there been some recent changes as to how this works?

Edit 3: Managed to edit my Loot Tables, the CfGBuildingLoot.sqf seem to have been removed and you now have to edit Config.cpp to add new weapons to the loot table. However there are 2 huge drawbacks to this;

1. You have to edit dayz_code.pbo in order to edit the loot table. This file can't be distributed by the server itself, so you would personally have to distribute it.

2. Since you've edited dayz_code.pbo, the signature will no longer be the same. You would have to disable signature checking on your server in order to play it, which a lot of people out there think is not an option.

I have not yet found anything even remotely close to an alternative way to do this other than actually replacing weapons ingame as linked above. If possible, it would be nice if Bliss could find a way to override the default loot tables by one that is stored in a SQL Database, similar to that of how you can set your own starting loadout!
U can't alter the Lootabels int the config.cpp file, no way to alter this file @ runtime....

The link i posted shows how u intercept the loot before it spawns & u can replace 1 item with another item in its place..
Not quiet as good, but v.close...

Failing that u could prob hardcode all the loot spawns in sqf... but that would make for a rather larger mission file

Besides that u add in extra weapons @ crash sites
But replacing things is not what I want, it's not close to what I want either. Currently I'm fine with using Heli Crash Sites, Wrecks and Care Packages as a workaround.

Do you know if it's possible to make it so weapons also spawn with ammo? Currently my Mk16 and Mk17's are spawning without ammo next to it.
I believe the ammo issue is in the configs, I believe all weapons spawn as weapons. It's the dayz code that chucks a couple of mags in (unconfirmed)

Something that might help that I've had no luck in doing would be to use chance rolls in the loot suppression.
case"AKS_74_U":{ _holderItem ="AK_107_kobra"};
This is a one to one switch, I would like to know if the _holderitem could be a weighted array.

ie you switch AKS_74 with ==> .99 AK_107_kobra .01 AK_74_U

Anyone done this or know a function that can? Happy to try it out, but I'm unsure of how the loot suppression works so I'm unwilling to edit it.