Modifying Fn_Selfactions.sqf breaks crafting/journal in v1.8+


New Member
I run a server through DayZ.ST hosting. I'm fairly familiar with editing my PBOs, however, every time I modify my selfactions.sqf it ends up breaking my crafting/journal function. When the 'i' key is pressed a white lines shows up instead of the normal journal. I've used the latest version of the selfactions from my @Dayz folder and also checked the code line for line against some other mod files like J0k3r5 pack. When I redirect the compiles.sqf back to the Dayz fn_selfactions.sqf everything works fine again and the crafting journal shows up again using 'i'. I'd really like to have some custom actions but I don't want to lose my journal and crafting. Can anyone help, please?
