[SOLVED] mysql help plz

so all i need is help making a new database in the mysql. is there a video out there that shows me how to use that mysql 5.5.x? could some one maybe make a youtube video of a full install of everything for this lite server pack?

Firsly, install the MySQL server using the MSI installer (not the ZIP file) here:

If you have any previous installations of mysql, uninstall them and delete:
MySQL program files folder. For me this was C:\Program Files\MySQL.
MySQL database folder. For me this was C:\MySQL Datafiles.
MySQL application data folder. For me this was C:\ProgramData\MySQL. On a pre-Vista operating system, this will likely be C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MySQL or some such.

You can not install it as a typical installation. I can't remember which order the options are, but select the default for Server setup. UTF8 as default (not Latin1). Multifunctional data type. And select the option to include bin directory in windows path. Set the root password to anytihng you want, just remember it.

It will automatically start the sql server as a windows service (so no batch file running).

Open Navicat, create a "New Connection" with the user "root" and whatever password you created earlier.

It should connect.

Now right click on the connection and create a new database with any name you like, something like server or dayz or something short and memorable is good.

The database will now be created.
Cool thanks I will try that when I get home. Maybe it will also fix the error I get that says my namalsk mpmission is to short. Or maybe I need a different mpmission file.