Need a tutorial on how to add items/weapons to the traders? Epoch


New Member
I have been looking everywhere for a tutorial, but some of them don't work for me. So can someone kindly guide me through installing weapons/items to a trader. For example I would like to add the 'DMR' to Blackmarket Dealer at Stary trading city. And I'll like to sell it for 2 10oz gold and sell for 1 10oz gold.
I have been looking everywhere for a tutorial, but some of them don't work for me. So can someone kindly guide me through installing weapons/items to a trader. For example I would like to add the 'DMR' to Blackmarket Dealer at Stary trading city. And I'll like to sell it for 2 10oz gold and sell for 1 10oz gold.
config based traders or SQL ?
download heidi sql from google put in your server details in and connect once you have done that click on trader_data then click data on top tab on that page then that will bring list of all items your traders sell . for example adding items to wholesalers i find it easy to do a search for cinder that will bring all wholesalers that sell cinder blocks and also ( t i d number ) so on mine its 675 636 555 3 wholesaler tid there so say you want to add say cinder_wall_kit to wholesalers just right click and dupe the cinder block and change name from cinderblocks to cinder_wall_kit and repeat it for any of the items

["cinder_wall_kit",1] buy price--> [2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1] sell price ---> [1,"ItemGoldBar",1] tid ---> 675 alfile ---> trade_items

if you are adding overpoch weapons i got the sql already sorted so you can just plonk it in query and it will add them all at once rather then add one by one :) hit me up if you have any problems dont mind helping out and welcome to join my ventrillo ip port 6234