Need help lots of errors with tsw


New Member
Hey guys need a hand i know this question is asked alot but how can i fix these errors with tsw anti hack, server runs just cant connect tsw fully it loads and i can see my user name on tsw player list but thats all/

19:36:14 Access denied for user 'dayz'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Query in question:

select pd.PlayerName, Object_DATA.ObjectID, Object_DATA.ObjectUID, Object_DATA.Instance, Object_DATA.Classname, Object_DATA.Datestamp, Object_DATA.CharacterID, Object_DATA.Worldspace, Object_DATA.Inventory, Object_DATA.Hitpoints, Object_DATA.Fuel,


from Object_DATA

left join Character_DATA cd on Object_DATA.CharacterID = cd.CharacterID

left join Player_DATA pd on cd.PlayerUID = pd.PlayerUID

where Classname IN ('VaultStorageLocked','TentStorage','TentStorageDomed2','TentStorageDomed1') and Instance = 1;

19:36:14 Access denied for user 'dayz'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Query in question: select * from Object_DATA where CharacterID = 0

19:36:14 Access denied for user 'dayz'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Query in question:

SELECT Player_DATA.PlayerUID, Player_DATA.PlayerName, Player_DATA.PlayerMorality, Player_DATA.PlayerSex,

CharacterID, Character_DATA.InstanceID, Character_DATA.Datestamp, Character_DATA.LastLogin, Character_DATA.Inventory, Character_DATA.Backpack, Character_DATA.Worldspace, Character_DATA.Medical, Character_DATA.Alive, Character_DATA.Generation, Character_DATA.LastAte, Character_DATA.LastDrank, Character_DATA.KillsZ, Character_DATA.HeadshotsZ, Character_DATA.DistanceFoot, Character_DATA.Duration, Character_DATA.CurrentState, Character_DATA.KillsH, Character_DATA.Model, Character_DATA.KillsB, Character_DATA.Humanity

FROM Character_DATA

INNER JOIN Player_DATA ON Character_DATA.PlayerUID = Player_DATA.PlayerUID AND Character_DATA.InstanceID = 1 AND Character_DATA.Alive = 1 AND replace(Player_DATA.PlayerName,' ','') IN ('')

ORDER BY Character_DATA.LastLogin

19:37:00 Access denied for user 'dayz'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Query in question: select (select count(*) from Object_DATA where Damage < 1)
I did not mean to post this thread twice i didnt think it posted the first time...sorry mods you can delete one if needed.
ok i fixed the acces denied part with password yes now i have a bunch of these showing

21:22:28 Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts. ---> No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. Query in question: select (select count(*) from Object_DATA where Damage < 1) as w, (select count(*) from Object_DATA where Damage = 1) as d

21:34:23 Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts. ---> No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

Query in question: select * from Object_DATA where CharacterID = 0