Need Help Nerfing Zeds


New Member
As the title might suggest I'd like to tone down the Mike Tyson zombies. No I don't plan on making them completely harmless, just tone them down a bit.
Mainly just remove the zeds from hitting while inside a vehicle and reduce aggroing sensitivity.
Anyone got ideas where to start?
search these forums there has all ready been several posts pertaining to hitting inside vehicles
as for turning them down what are you using to host your server, your host will play a big roll it whats available to edit
As the title might suggest I'd like to tone down the Mike Tyson zombies. No I don't plan on making them completely harmless, just tone them down a bit.
Mainly just remove the zeds from hitting while inside a vehicle and reduce aggroing sensitivity.
Anyone got ideas where to start?

One idea, like i did on my server, would be to lower the noise guns make, so that ex. the LeeEnfield aka dinnerbell gun dont pull every single zombie in the area.

Second idea would be lowering the speed zombies run at. My tries with this though ended up with 2 possible speeds. The normal run fast like crazy, or the loitering walk speed.

Third idea, which i not really sure on, would be to remove the chance zombies had when hitting you, to break your legs. Or lower the chances of you bleeding from a hit. I havent tried this, so i dont know how, though im guessing there is a line or two somewhere that could get a "\\" or a retype...

forth idea would be making zombies more blind. Havent dont this my self, but i found a sqf where visibility was being scripted. Might be able to redo how well zombies see you when its raining og foggy...

last idea would be making cars safe again. I panic like crazy when in a car, trying to manouvre around something, and a zombie comes close, ending up in broken legs and blood everywhere, from me going through a tree...
search these forums there has all ready been several posts pertaining to hitting inside vehicles
as for turning them down what are you using to host your server, your host will play a big roll it whats available to edit
As for the host I'm using, I'll look around for the zombie hitting while vehicles thing. Still unsure of the general zombie nerfs though.
While I do not support the idea of "nerfing" zombies, as I feel they should be the main attraction, I will help you out a bit.

- Open (w/cpbo or PBO manager) the DayZ Code PBO in your Arma II folder for whichever version or mod of DayZ you are running. Unpack that to a folder on your desktop. Inside that folder, find the following .sqf files:

control_zombieAgent.sqf (compile folder) (zombie movement speed)
player_zombieCheck.sqf (compile folder) (zombies senses)
variables.sqf (init folder) (max number of zeds per player)

In the above .sqf files, you will find many variables that when adjusted, alter or modify zomby behavior - from their senses, to their running speed, to the amount that spawn per player. What you must do if you want change values in any, or all of the above files, is to copy and paste them into new files made with Notepad++ in your server mission PBO fixes folder (or create a fixes folder), edit them to your liking, save them and then override the original files in the DayZ Code PBO as follows:

In your server mission PBO init file your would find this line :
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";//Compile regular functions
progressLoadingScreen 1.0;

and after it put:
control_zombieAgent = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\control_zombieAgent.sqf";

That is just an example for if you modified that particular sqf. and wanted to override the original. You would do the same to override MOST other .sqfs that control zombie behavior.

To override the variables.sqf however, you would do this:

find in the init.sqf :
Load in compiled functions
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf"; //Initilize the Variables (IMPORTANT: Must happen very early)

and replace with this:

//Load in compiled functions
//call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf"; //Initilize the Variables (IMPORTANT: Must happen very early)
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\variables.sqf";                //Initilize the Variables

I went the other way, making zombies hit harder, run faster and more spawn per player. Just be careful before you make any modifications to check which extra scripts you are already running in your server mission init, and that the above suggested changes would not interfere with those. For instance, your variables.sqf may already be overridden for some other script you already have installed.
il agree the Zombies are one of the main things about Dayz, i just wish the core problems could be fixed and i would gladly up the spawns/speed/aggro, but for now with Zombies hitting through walls, walking through walls, and hitting you from 20ft away trying to power up a heli its just not logical :O so tweaks like these are nice to have, plus the excessive respawn rate contributes to client performance/fps drops
I also agree with you regarding the imbalance of zombie behavior in general. I suppose it's the die-hard zombie fan in me that is willing to suspend my disbelief where most of the DayZ zombie bugs are concerned. What I seek is, is in addition to the random action of PvP encounters and the excellent paranoia it inspires, a constant, in your face tension which can only be provided by the zeds, and which makes movement around the map really difficult, as well as the actions of looting, driving, repairing vehicles, etc. Perhaps one day we will have that in DayZ or some other game.