Need help with debug monitor!


Debug Monitor (confirmed working with Ver.1.7.6)

1. Extract your mission file, to a directory, that you downloaded from the control panel
2.Download file File:Custom and extract.
3.Place the extracted custom_monitor.sqf to dayz_mission folder
4.Open init.sqf in the mission folder and put [] ExecVM "custom_monitor.sqf"; at the bottom.
5.Save the init.sqf file and close it.
Repackage your mission file and send it to your server via control panel All done.
Can anyone do a video tutorial on this? i cant edit the init.sqf file? what means repackage your file and send it to you via control panel??? If u do a vid tutorial can you please add links with the programs i need?
Works awesome! 1 question... How can I turn this off for certain uid's

I know kinda/sort of what it should look like
if (!((getPlayerUID player) in ["######","######"]))

So far I've placed this at the head of your "custom_monitor.sqf"
and also after
if (isNil "custom_monitor") then {custom_monitor = true;} else {custom_monitor = !custom_monitor;};

but I haven't had any success with that so far? anyone got a clue cause apparently it isn't me lol? thanks a million!!!