need help with dzai


New Member
every time i chang line 126
//Maximum number of active AI air vehicle patrols. Set at 0 to disable (Default: 0).
DZAI_maxHeliPatrols = 0; to
//Maximum number of active AI air vehicle patrols. Set at 0 to disable (Default: 0).
DZAI_maxHeliPatrols = 5;
my server will not authenticate and times out will not start to I put in fresh pbo even if I change both back to zero I need to put in new pbo anybody have a clue ???
You need to look at the way you're placing your edited files into your dayz_server.pbo. If you copy/paste files through the PBO Manager graphical interface you shouldn't have problems. Of course, start from a server pbo you know is 100% working beforehand.
I tried I tried everything m aybe if someone has just the dzai with patrols set to 5 I can try adding it or ill send my pbo to whoever can help me out