need help with whitelisting ASC weapon customization in antihack


I am running DayZ Civillian on my dedicated server and am running Blur's antihack Pro,,, I've searched through all of their whitelisting actions tutorials and everything i can find on whitelisting in antihack, But since DayZ Civillian is the only mod i know of that allows you to customize your weapons there is nothing on it. i've looked everywhere for the player action and can't find it, all i can find is the ASC pbo's. if you have any ideas they'll will be greatly appreciated.
Digging into the pbo's I have found these actions that you may need to whitelist in your antihack list.

_modifyA = _myunit addaction[("<t color='#3366dd'>"+(format[localize "STR_Scr_ASC_Moditem",_weapname])+"</t>"),"\ASC\ASC_Weapons_Core\UI\scripts\A_WeapUI.sqf",[],0,false,true,""];
_modifyA = _myunit addaction[("<t color='#ee1111'>"+(format[localize "STR_Scr_ASC_Moditem",_weapname])+"</t>"),"\ASC\ASC_Weapons_Core\UI\scripts\A_WeapUI.sqf",[],0,false,true,""];
_repairA = player addaction[("<t color='#ee1111'>"+(format[localize "STR_Scr_ASC_Repitem",_weapname])+"</t>"),"\ASC\ASC_Weapons_Core\UI\scripts\A_Repair.sqf",_repArray,0,false,true,""];

Try those and see if it works, although they are set on private variables and not public ones so I don't know exactly how you would add them in their entirety as they are. I haven't used this anti-hack so I don't really know how it works.