Need some help @ Epoch...


New Member
Hey all...

I have a working Epoch Server running on takistan map...

i also know how to edit files but i'm asking myself since a few days if it would be possible to add recipes to the epoch-base-build / crafting system... cause i want to add things like Land_FireBarrel and i'm looking for a gate wich is lockable with a keycode (epoch already has a safe wich uses the system...) is it possible to create a recipe to create a gate wich is only usable when u entered the right code? same like the safe ^^ when it is locked u can only enter pincode or change weapon... as soon as u entered the code once u can check cargo, edit its contents, pack safe.... would be cool when those two things would be possible... cause everything else i need should be easy to add for me ^^ (like selfbloodbag and some a.i. script... but i already did to a bliss release... so it shouldnt be hard to make this work on epoch's lite version...)

and pls dont tell me to use base building 1.2 ^^ i like the build system wich comes with epoch... only looking for a way to add more buildables and recipes to the system without editing client files... only by adding serversided scripts...