New [EPOs] DayZ Epoch Server (v1.0.2.3) Looking for new players!


New Member
Hello everyone out there! :rolleyes:

I would like to invite you guys to join our new [EPOs] DayZ Epoch Server! I and a friend have set this server up a couple days ago and have added a lot of cool custom features.
These Include:
- Custom loot and Map
- Debug Menu
- SafeZone at all regular Traders (This may change depending on what ppl want)
- SelfBB/Autofuel
- 5M NameTags
- Smarter A.I with both Heli and ground Patrols
- Friendly active admins

+ All the other regular Epoch Stuff ofc!

+ We will start with Regular Weekend events!
-as soon we got some more players to play with us!

We are looking for new players both bambis as hardcore players. We would love to see new bandits, heros and regular survivors out there trying to survie! What every you choose everyone is welcome to join as long as you follow our few simple rules:

- No Hacking, Scripting
- No Stealing, Camping Traders
- No VOICE over Side Chat
- No Exploiting of Any Bugs Found
- No Racis or Foul Language over Side
- Only ENGLISH on side chat please
*Please understand that the server has only been up for a few days and we are trying to fix any issues ASAP.*

Server info.

Hey again from EPOs Server team,
we added to the map some awesome features... Custom castles ready for building bases, special sites to build a base on existing foundations. a hidden military site in a cave and some other stuff wich will make the gameplay even better.
So, check the server out you'll not be sorry i promise.