New Private Server Setup.. Need some guidance


Well-Known Member
Hey been looking everywhere for this answer and cant seem to find it... I tried to follow the pwnoz0r video on how to setup a server and am I missing something where is this @dayz/chenauras folder at? I don't have steam as Ive had issues with them before I do have retail.... Ive downloaded the server files ive copied my arma2 and arma2oa into the same folder.... Do I combine these two folders to make one single folder with all the files in it? Then do I place the server files inside the root directory of that folder like say ServerFolder/ then I have Arma2 and Arma2OA and then server files folders and all in side
Or is it ServerFolder/Arma2OA Combined...And all the server files in the root of serverfolder? I can run a minecraft server just fine lol albeit a little easier than this but Im baffled here... I just want a private server to jump in and play with my son and a few friends...

Any and All Help is greatly appreciated..
Nevermind I finally figured this part out after a lot of trial and error I got the server to start... Now Im having an issue with joining Im stuck on wait for host and the console is spamming Mission Dayz read from directory... I have read the readme and Have followed every single thing I could possibly find please help.