New version of anti-cheat script!

AWA, thank you for your contribution. This will definitely stop the novice cheats or people using public hacks at least. It makes administrating my server much easier. <3
I know, read the comments in the code.
Yep false bans from pyBEScanner, dont set it to strict or you are going to have alot of angry players keep trying to spam join back in after all of them including you got banned while in the game :p
any idea why it just hangs on "loading" when i try to implement this? the first time i was able to exit back to lobby but then anyone trying to connect they just hang on "loading". it never gets to creating the character.
What's up with all the commented code between lines 109-148? Any reason you left that in there? does it provide additional functionality?
This is just monky monitor with a few tweaks. $5 says a way around it has been out for a while.
It's better than not having one :p but yes I have noticed very few cheaters able to teleport and use esp after I added this.

and @3djoker you need to use cpbo to unpack and repack that's your problem i had a run in with that as well
ok i got it working i think, just when it is active, everyone is booted during joined with "has been kicked by BattlEye: Script Restriction #247"... what is that?
i added the weapon detect to the detection and when i give myself an as50 tws it removes it from my inventory but i dont see a message saying i had a hacked weapon
That is true since you commented out 'Detecting hack menus' which is straight from monky monitor
The code which is commented out there is
  1. Not working
  2. Made 100% by me
I don't recommend to use auto-banning for now, people can be banned on server restarts by that.
is there anyway to change to to put it on the screen
change hyrule to your global variable. you can see the report in remoteexec and rpt
player removeWeapon _x;
hyrule = [name player, 'Hacked Item', _x];
publicVariableServer 'hyrule';
player removeWeapon _x;
hackFlag = [player, 'Hacked Item', _x];
publicVariableServer 'hackFlag';
yes like it does on monky monitor a message comes up on the lower right hand side of screen and says Anti-Hack Caught playername Hacked Weapon, etc...
Replace your event handler with this:

"hackFlag" addPublicVariableEventHandler
    _array = _this select 1;
    _player = _array select 0;
    _hackType = _array select 1;
    _hackValue = format ["%1", _array select 2];
    diag_log format ["AWA ANTI-HACK: %1 (%2) was detected for %3 with the value '%4'", name _player, getPlayerUID _player, _hackType, _hackValue];
    [nil, nil, rSPAWN, [name _player, getPlayerUID _player, _hackType, _hackValue], { format ["AWA ANTI-HACK: %1 (%2) was detected for %3 with the value '%4'", _this select 0, _this select 1, _this select 2, _this select 3] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText; }; ] call RE;

Not tested, so won't guarantee anything working at all now.