No Entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons' Error


New Member
Hi Crew,

New to having my own server, wow what a steep learning curve!

Server is hosted with HFB in L.A. I have found HFB very helpful and great assistance with issues.

My problem is, I modified the Chopper Crash Loot Spawn, so that only certain items would spawn.

When joining the server, I and ALL players get the following message:

no entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons'

Clicking on OK or Continue allows you to join, no problems. It is just annoying me (I am OCD).

I have looked at the entries in the .PBO file and cannot see the error.

My guess I am trying to spawn in a weapon that is not named correctly in Bliss

I have been unable to find a definitive list of allowed weapons and name types.

_num = round(random 3) + 4;
_config =configFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> "HeliCrash";
_itemType =[["Mk_48_DZ", "weapon"],["M4A1", "weapon"],["BAF_AS50_scoped", "weapon"],["M249_DZ", "weapon"],["SVD_CAMO", "weapon"],["DMR", "weapon"],["", "military"],["", "medical"],["MedBox0", "object"],["NVGoggles", "weapon"],["AmmoBoxSmall_556", "object"],["AmmoBoxSmall_762", "object"],["Skin_Camo1_DZ", "magazine"],["Skin_Sniper1_DZ", "magazine"],["DZ_Backpack_EP1", "object"],["M4A1_AIM_SD_camo", "weapon"],["m107_DZ", "weapon"],["ItemGPS", "weapon"],["Binocular_Vector", "weapon"],["BAF_LRR_scoped", "weapon"],["Saiga12K", "weapon"],["M14_EP1", "weapon"],["M9SD", "weapon"], ["FN-FAL", "weapon"]];
//diag_log ("DW_DEBUG: _itemType: " + str(_itemType));
_itemChance =[0.02, 0.04, 0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.03, 0.02, 0.03, 0.01, 0.01, 0.03, 0.03, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.03, 0.03, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.03, 0.03, 0.03];
//diag_log ("DW_DEBUG: _itemChance: " + str(_itemChance));
//diag_log ("DW_DEBUG: (isnil fnc_buildWeightedArray): " + str(isnil "fnc_buildWeightedArray"));

I am using PBO Manager to unpack and pack the .pbo file which works ok.

Any thoughts or idea's would be greatly appreciated.

Also wrecks or care packages do not seem to be spawning in.


To be honest I have not modified the file again. At the moment it is basically running a default .pbo file, sorry.
That's alright, I'm going to have to go through my file and figure out if there's any typos. I don't think there is since I pulled the class names from Armatechsquad website, but you never know might have a comma outa place or something.
Let me know when you fix that typo if it fixed the error.
I get these errors whe a hacker has run a script, I assume a weapon spawn. It should go away once you restart the server.