No vehicle has nil characterID


Valued Member!
Anyone else sees these lines in his server.rpt? Sometimes (not every time) the Server gets heavy load the Players get stuck in "Requesting authentication", sometimes can respawn after they wait like 2 minutes, most of the times they end up in "Something went wrong". Most of the times the only thing that helps is a hard serverrestart...

It sucks because i once had an awesome server that was nearly full all the time, and now most of the players leave because every few hours they simply cant join anymore.

This happens since newest Betapatch and (for me Namalsk 0.741) Dayz Whenever i look in the RPT-Logs the server spams "Cannot Sync Character Error: No vehicle has nil characterID"... no clue what causes this, but because it only happens when server is on heavy load, i gues its just a routine that doesnt wait long enough for getting the characterID or something.

Dont know if this is Reality related, Dayz related, Namalsk related... any help would be awesome, even if you have the same problem... please report, maybe therese a way we can figure out what causes this.
Yea, same.

0:44:26 Bad conversion: array
0:44:26 Error in expression <r"] call server_updateObject;
} forEach nearestObjects [_pos, ["Car", "Helicopte>
0:44:26 Error position: <nearestObjects [_pos, ["Car", "Helicopte>
0:44:26 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
0:44:26 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerSync.sqf, line 219
0:44:26 Warning: Cleanup player - person 69:6 not found
0:44:26 Server: Object 58:87 not found (message 94)
0:44:27 Bad conversion: array
0:44:27 Error in expression <r"] call server_updateObject;
} forEach nearestObjects [_pos, ["Car", "Helicopte>
0:44:27 Error position: <nearestObjects [_pos, ["Car", "Helicopte>
0:44:27 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
0:44:27 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerSync.sqf, line 219