NOS for Cars


OpenDayZ Lord!
ok so i cant get this working so i thought id share it here (i take no credit for this, the code has come from 4 different servers that i have joined)

in fn_Selfactions.sqf added to the bottom
  //Nitro action
   _hasNOSinstalled = _vehicle getVariable["nitroinstalled",0];
   if (_inVehicle and _vehicle isKindOf "Car" and speed _vehicle >= 1) then {
     if (_inVehicle and _hasNOSinstalled == 1) then {
       if (isnil("Has_NOS")) then {Has_NOS = false;};
       if (s_player_nitrobooston <0) then {   
         if (Has_NOS) then {
           s_player_nitrobooston = _vehicle addAction [("<t color=""#39C1F3"">" + ("Nitro Off") + "</t>"),"scripts\nitro.sqf", [_vehicle], 999, false,true,"","driver _target == _this"];
         } else {
           s_player_nitrobooston = _vehicle addAction [("<t color=""#39C1F3"">" + ("Nitro On") + "</t>"),"scripts\nitro.sqf", [_vehicle], 999, false,true,"","driver _target == _this"];
     } else {
       _vehicle removeAction s_player_nitrobooston;
       s_player_nitrobooston = -1;
   } else {
     _vehicle removeAction s_player_nitrobooston;
     s_player_nitrobooston = -1;
     if (_hasNOSinstalled == 1) then {
       _vehicle setVariable ["nitroinstalled", 1, true];

   _isCar = _cursorTarget isKindOf "Car";
   if (("ItemJerrycan" in _itemsPlayer) && ("ItemSodaRbull" in _itemsPlayer)) then {
    _hasNOSitems = true;
   } else {
    _hasNOSitems = false;
   _isnosinstalled = _cursorTarget getVariable ["nitroinstalled", 0];
   if (_isCar and !locked _cursorTarget and _hasNOSitems and _isnosinstalled == 0) then {
     if (s_player_nitroInstall < 0) then {
       s_player_nitroInstall = player addAction [("<t color=""#39C1F3"">" + ("Install NOS boost") +"</t>"), "scripts\nitroinstall.sqf",_cursorTarget, 999, true, false, "",""];
   } else {
     player removeAction s_player_nitroInstall;
     s_player_nitroInstall = -1;

private ["_vehicle","_hasNOS","_hasJerry","_hasRedbull"];
_vehicle = _this select 3;
player removeAction s_player_nitroInstall;
s_player_nitroInstall = -1;

if (dayz_combat == 1) exitWith {
   cutText ["You cant install nitro  while in combat.", "PLAIN DOWN"];

_hasNOS = _vehicle getVariable["nitroinstalled",0];
if(_hasNOS == 1)exitwith{cutText ["This vehicle has already nitro installed", "PLAIN DOWN"];};

_hasJerry = {_x == "ItemJerrycan"} count magazines player;
_hasRedbull = {_x == "ItemSodaRbull"} count magazines player;

if ((_hasJerry >= 1)&&(_hasRedbull >= 1)) then {
   player removeMagazine "ItemJerrycan";
   player removeMagazine "ItemSodaRbull";
   player addMagazine "ItemJerrycanEmpty";
   _vehicle setVariable ["nitroinstalled", 1, true];
   cutText ["Installing NOS...", "PLAIN DOWN"];
   _vehicle setfuel 0;
   r_interrupt = false;
   player playActionNow "Medic";

   [player,"repair",0,false,10] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
   [player,10,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
   sleep 6;
   _vehicle setfuel 1;
   _vehicle setVariable ["isnitroOn", 0, true];
   systemChat("NOS installed! Activate it while driving vehicle.");
   sleep 2;
   r_interrupt = false;
   sleep 5;
   cutText ["WARNING: NOS doesn't save on restart!", "PLAIN DOWN"];
} else {
   cutText ["You need: 1 Jerry Can and 1 RedBull to install NOS.", "PLAIN DOWN"];

private ["_vehicle"];
_vehicle = _this select 3;
if (!Has_NOS) then {
   _vehicle removeAction s_player_nitrobooston;
   s_player_nitrobooston = -1;
   Has_NOS = true;
   systemChat ("NOS - Left shift to boost, space for brakes!");
   waituntil {!isnull (finddisplay 46)};
   boosterkey = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","_this select 1 call boosterFNC;false;"];
   boosterFNC = {
     private ["_vehicle","_fuel","_isNitroInstalled"];
     _vehicle = vehicle player;
     _isNitroInstalled = _vehicle getVariable["nitroinstalled",0];
     _fuel = fuel _vehicle_player;
     if(_vehicle == player)exitwith{};
     if((isEngineOn _vehicle) and (_isNitroInstalled == 1)) then
       switch (_this) do
         case 1:
           _vehicle setVelocity [(velocity _vehicle select 0) * 1.025, (velocity _vehicle select 1) * 1.025, (velocity _vehicle select 2) * 0.99];
           _vehicle setfuel (_fuel - 0.0002);
         case 2:
           _vehicle SetVelocity [(velocity _vehicle select 0) * 0.95, (velocity _vehicle select 1) *0.95, (velocity _vehicle select 2) * 0.99];
} else {
   _vehicle removeAction s_player_nitrobooston;
   s_player_nitrobooston = -1;
   Has_NOS = false;
   systemChat ("NOS - deactivated");
   (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyDown", boosterkey];
   //_vehicle = nil;
   _vehicle setVariable ["nitroinstalled", 1, true];

so basically i dont work :p

any help to get it working so we can stop people hording scripts as its a free mod and any content made for it and used publicly shoud be free to use
start up with -ShowScriptErrors and let us know what exactly isn't working etc, that'd help a lot. And i'm interested in getting this working