Not all World_Vehicle spawns working, what is the cause?


New Member
So as of right now i have exactly 374 entries in my "world_vehicle" just for Instance 1 - my chernarus hive.
Now at the moment after using the spawn script lots of times i can only get a maximum of 194 vehicles spawned in.
Things that i know are NOT the problem.

1. I have set Spawn Chance to 0.700 on everything (70% chance) and i have spammed vehicle_spawn at least 100 times - i have also deleted the entire "Instance_vehicle" database to try spawning everything again. same thing happens

2. in my "vehicle" section i have made EVERY vehicle entry a minimum spawn of 10 and a max of 40. Which is way higher than i even need anyway, the highest amount of a specific vehicle i have is probably 15.

Problems i have had before - having 2 worldspace entries exactly the same will halt any spawning of vehicle entries after that. I am sure it is a different problem though. Is there anything else that causes vehicles to not spawn?
