Overwatch Cust_Loadout not working

Well, in the SQL database, you use to set any starting load out as you wish...
but it don't work.....

Then, we install the TSW anti-hack who just inject cust_loadout, and cust_loadout_profile folder in the SQL
So we now can set a custom loadout, in "Cust_loadout / profile"
and then put it to an unique ID through : "cust_loadout_profile/cust_loadout_id"

As soon as you set the unique ID of someone in cust_loaout_profile, it will disable the gender selection to this ID, and the custom loadout is working BUT ONLY FOR THIS ID

so... is there a way through those folders to set the loadout for everybody,
or..... we guess that we have to lock the gender selection, to make the loadout we set in the "instance" folder on the SQL DB (but still not sure about it..)