Please help a complete noob at editing


I have been looking around in the scripting and mission thread and I am eager to try some things out on my server.
Would someone please be able explain in a bit of detail exactly where I start to add mods into my DayZ server?
I have my eye on the snow script, which I have tried to add but I am not sure I'm adding it to the right place.
Currently I'm testing on pwnoz0r's build and I've dropped files into <root>\MPMission\dayz_1.Chernarus\
This is where I can see the init.sqf and mission.sqm files. I basically created a file in that directory as suggested and then entered the other piece of code directly into init.sqf for loading the snow script.
My issue is that it is not loaded when a player joins the server.
Is this something that has to be downloaded by the player and can't simply be added to my server without something being sent to each player?

I really am at a loss here and trying to find information on it is proving to be quite difficult when you're modding a mod....
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks